There are a few changes afoot with the fairs. STARTING WITH A NAME CHANGE TO ‘THE COLLECTABLES FAIR’.
We will be moving to another venue in the eastern suburbs – something a bit smaller and more moderately priced.
The date for the next fair is pencilled in as 12 October 2025 – but that clashes with a Cartophilic Fair – so we are planning on a new venue and a new date.
There have always been changing locations and personnel for the fair – here is another round and some photos of past and present stallholders.
If you have any suggestions, please let us know.
We need somewhere that:
- provides the trestle tables and chairs;
- will let us offer refreshments or use a coffee van;
- has plenty of parking;
- is near an ATM;
- is accessible by public transport.
Maybe it should be in another area of Melbourne? Not the east – but many members and some stallholders are out that direction. We could service a new region of collectors??
Remember we are looking for someone to manage future fairs – one person or a bit of a team or dividing up of the tasks.
Send suggestions or comments to Andrew H @ Andrew [no space] hillier [no space] 63 Andrew is below with the bag over his shoulder.
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