THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH in Australia has a long history, here is a newspaper report from 1841-We congratulate the Roman Catholic community on the arrival of the Rev. Michael Ryan, who intends to become a resident in this township. Staunch advocates as we are of the sacred rights of conscience, we can, without inconsistency, express our pleasure at his arrival, and we hope that no delay may attend the preliminary arrangements for the foundation of a permanent church. The Catholic population is now sufficiently numerous to require the pastoral superintendence of a clergy-man of their own faith, and none but the most unreasonable of bigots will deny that the increase of morality and the advancement of civilization will be likely to result from such superintendence. The Roman Catholic clergy of this colony are eminently distinguished for the faithful manner in which they discharge their pastoral duties; and Mr Ryan appears likely to maintain their well earned reputation. He arrived by the steamer on Wednesday, and so early as Friday morning he had assembled a congregation to prayers, after which several children were baptised. A degree of mutual cordiality has hitherto pervaded the members of the various religious denominations of Australia Felix, and long may it continue From the Geelong Advertiser, 11 September 1841.
Help wanted from ephemerists
Hello, my name is Hugh Myers and I work at the Australian Catholic University as the Special Collections Advisor. We are building a collection on Australian Catholic history, and I am interested acquiring printed ephemera that is relevant to the subject. Would it be possible to inform your members of our project? We have a modest acquisitions budget and can pay sensible prices for rare and unusual material that will enrich our collection. Please feel free to call me on 02 9465 9237 at the library directorate office in North Sydney; or email if you prefer. Kind regards Hugh.
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